Wednesday, July 21, 2010


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When Jim Borgman, the Pulitzer Price winner editorial cartoonist and recipient of many distinguished awards was commissioned to draw faces showing the human emotions, little did we know that his cartoonish faces would become immeasurably valuable tools for teachers, psychologists, counselors and the general public in multi-lingual environments and with people of all ages.

Surprised, anxious, overwhelmed, ecstatic, ashamed and twenty-five other faces help two-year-old children and grown men alike, express their emotions in a fun and easy way. An array of materials featuring these emotion-filled faces has been developed as part of the Feelings Collection in order to address the emotional health and social issues of children and adults.

The Mood Swings Book, is the perfect match for our Feelings Flashcards and Feelings Playing Cards. The Feelings Flashcards are a multi-lingual tool translated into 25 languages that can be used in a variety of ways, from a stimulus for conversation in individual or group therapy, to drug counseling, to aiding foreign language teachers in teaching emotional vocabulary. The Feelings Playing Cards is an actual deck of cards that can be used for any regular card game.

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